Selling on Amazon Category Style Guide: Fine Art

July 11, 2024
5 min read

About this document

In addition to using this document, we encourage you take advantage of the wealth of information available in our seller Help pages. Click Help on the upper-right side of your seller account home page.


About this document. ..2

Fine Art (Approval is required to sell in this category) . .3

Glossary. ..4

Title and Artist Style . .5

Parent and Child Titles . . 5

About This Artist ..7

About This Artwork. ..7

Adult Designation . . 8

Target Audience. ..8

Measurements .10

Unframed Dimensions. .10

Framed Dimensions .11

Images . .12

Without Variations .12

With Variations .12

"View in a Room" images. .13

Technical Image Requirements. .13

Editioned Artwork. .16

Variation Relationships. .17

When to use Variation Relationships . . 17

Size Variation. .18

Size/Frame Material Variation .19

How to set up variations for an artwork. .21

Browse & Search. . . 22

Classification - Browse . . 22

Search . . . 22

Fine Art (Approval is required to sell in this category)

Sellers are required to obtain approval from Amazon before listing in this category. For more information, see this seller Help page: Categories and Products Requiring Approval

Whether you’re selling an edition of lithographs, 18th  century oil paintings, or contemporary mixed media work, accurate data is crucial to discoverability and sales in Amazon Fine Art. Providing a clear and concise listing while following a consistent format will better inform customers and enhance discoverability of your art.

Before going any further into how to maximize your business, let's first identify the types of art that may be listed in the Amazon Fine Art Store:

  • One of a kind paintings, watercolors, drawings, and two-dimensional mixed media
  • A print or photograph in a limited edition with the following requirements:
  • In an edition of 200 or less
  • The only edition of the work published in that size (the same image can also have editions of up to 200 in other sizes)
  • The prints should be numbered (X/XX) and signed, or accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist and stating the number of the print (X/XX)
  • Artist proofs or color test proofs (CTP) are allowed for editions of less than 200
  • Secondary-sale works (artwork with a sales history): Works must be authenticated by the seller; the seller must have proof of purchase or title for the work and provide it to the buyer; listings should include provenance (with sales history) where applicable

The following types of art are not supported and may not be listed in the Amazon Fine Art Store at this time:

  • Three dimensional artwork, such as sculptures
  • Textile or anthropological or archaeological-based art (for example, Navajo blankets or Arts and Crafts textiles )

The following types of artworks do not qualify for the Amazon Fine Art category:

  • Artwork without a named artist
  • Artwork that is a mass-produced or commercial work that has been hand-painted (also called "brush to canvas")
  • Artwork that was created as a reproduction of an existing work; the artist did not deliberately make more than

one version of the same artwork (such as artist Edvard Munch did with The Scream)

  • Giclée print on canvas
  • Artwork in a limited edition that consists of any of the following:
  • Estate signed or estate editions
  • Creative Commons images or editions: CC
  • An edition of over 200, even if numbered and hand signed or otherwise meeting the requirements above
  • Open editions, even if hand signed or otherwise meeting the requirements above
  • Products related to art, but that are not artworks themselves (for example, books about or containing art,

posters of artwork, artwork printed on clothing, and decorative mousepads)


As you begin using this style guide, you’ll run across a variety of terms that may be new to you. A few terms are listed below, and you can see a more complete list in the New Seller Glossary.


The acronym for Amazon Standard Identification Number, a 10-digit alphanumeric number that identifies a product in our catalog. Every product is automatically assigned its own unique ASIN at the time it is created.

Browse structure

The way organizes products hierarchically so that customers can browse products by categories. Browse is important to sellers as a way to properly categorize products so customers can find them. The Item Type Keyword helps classify each ASIN in the correct node of the browse structure. How you classify (categorize) a product determines which area of the website the product will appear in. Proper subcategorizing helps place your product in the most appropriate browse area on the site, where customers are most likely to browse for it.

Buy box

The box on the upper right of the product detail page where qualifying offers are displayed. This is where a customer starts the purchase process by adding an item to their shopping cart. The Fine Art buy box has been designed to replicate a placard in a gallery or museum.

Detail page (also called product detail page)

On each product is displayed on a single page that includes all of the details about the product along with images, artwork specifications, and more.


The inclusion of a price and quantity to make a listing buyable. Without a price and quantity, the listing remains unavailable to the buyer and does not appear on the product detail page.

Parent/Child relationship

The terminology used to describe listings that are variations of a primary product. In a parent/child relationship, one parent product may have several child products. The child products are variations of the parent product. An example would be a print that comes in different sizes or framing options or both. Rather than displaying each combination of size and frame material on a separate detail page, Amazon groups all of the prints by the parent. This allows customers to choose from all of the variations, without leaving that one detail page.

Seller SKU

The acronym for Stock-Keeping Unit. A SKU is a specific seller’s product identifier with a maximum length of 40 characters. You might call it a catalogue number or inventory number. It can be a combination of letters and numbers. The SKU is a critical piece of data in every inventory file that you submit to us. If you upload an inventory file with data for a SKU that already exists, the more recent data replaces data from previous feeds. For more details on the role of SKUs in your inventory, please see this Help page: Build My Inventory File

Swatch Image

Small images that represent variations among similar products, much like a fabric or paint swatch. Swatch images are only used for child products, never for parent products.


Refers to the "child" in the parent/child relationship of a product. Variations exist when there is more than one version of a single product. The "parent" product is a non-buyable product, and the buyable "child" variations are associated with it. To illustrate, if you offer a print in blue, yellow, and red, you would create three buyable "child" products associated with the non-buyable "parent" product.

Last revised: 08/06/13

Title and Artist Style

The title and artist of the artwork are the first things customers see when visiting the detail page. The title and artist on an Amazon Fine Art detail page are designed to look like the placard in a museum or gallery.

Always check titles for consistent format and accuracy. Follow the guidelines below to create titles that make a good first impression.

Tips on how to create a great title and artist name

DoDo Not0 Capitalize the first letter of each word (but see exceptions under Do Not)- Do not use your seller or gallery name for artist name - Do not include price and quantity- Use numerals (2 instead of two)- Do not use ALL CAPS- 200 characters maximum- Do not capitalize:- Capitalize "Untitled" artworks - Designate titles with profanity as "Adult" (see "Adult Designation" section below).- Conjunctions (and, or, for) - Articles (the, a, an) - Prepositions with fewer than five letters (in, on,- Note: Include only standard text.- Do not include quotation marks around the titleType 1 High ASCII characters (®, ©, ™, etc.) or other special characters are not supported.- Do not include promotional messages such as "sale" or "free ship" (use the Promotion Manager tool to include messaging) Do not include subjective comments, such as "Hot Item," "Best Seller," "Great Gift," or "Available in 3 Colors" - Do not include search terms in titles - Do not include a size or color name in a parent SKU title

Parent and Child Titles

On detail pages, customers will see just the parent title. Include Size and Frame Material information in the title for the child item, so customers will be able to see the Size and Frame Material they selected at checkout. This allows customers to confirm that they selected the Size and Frame Material they want. This also makes it easier for you to fulfill an order because you can see the item's Size and/or Frame Material in your order reports. For more information, see the Variation Relationships section below or search on "variation" in seller Help

For the Parent of Variation Products:

[Title] field only.

For Child Products:

[Size Name] + [Frame Material]+ [Artist] + [Title]

Example of Variation Title

On the detail page, only the parent title will be displayed in the Buy Box, regardless of which Size or Frame Material and Star Appendix. buyer chooses:

During checkout, the child title will be displayed:

Editioned Titles

If offering a range of prints or only one print from an edition, the print numbers should be included in the title. See the Editioned Artwork section of this document for more information.

Title Examples:


Peter Bentley - Ovo Gallery

MERIDIAN FIRE HYDRANT. art, mixed media, pittsburgh!

About This Artist

Including biographical information about the artist allows Amazon customers to learn more about the artist who created the work. This information improves the quality of your listing and can help customers discover your art.


Peter Bentley is fascinated by the way light describes form. He holds an MFA and an MA in Painting and Art History from the University of Washington and a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art. Working from direct observation, Peter represents the vitality of everyday life in oil, charcoal, watercolor, and ink. Whether delineating the pyramidal gleams on a shiny tin can, or cutting out the negative space of sky around a tree, Peter delights in the everyday, the unseemly, and tries to capture the vitality of visual life on canvas in paint. His subjects and media vary widely, but all his works retain his strong sense of fascination with the world around him, be it sunny or grey. He loves the way forms are defined by light. Peter has painted in various locations in the US and Europe and currently lives and works in Seattle, Washington.


  • Do not use the name of a collective or studio, unless the work cannot be attributed to a single artist. If this is the case, the biographical information should relate to the work of the collective or studio and not to a single artist in the group.
  • The artist biography information should be only for the named artist. Do not include information about the artwork or the gallery in the artist biography.
  • Do not use nicknames or pseudonyms, unless the artist's name is not known. For example, "Banksy" is an acceptable use of a pseudonym, but a work by EI Greco should read: EI Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos).

About This Artwork

Describing the artwork in even greater detail can help customers understand the motivation and story behind the artwork and truly connect with it. Put yourself in a collector's shoes: what would you want to know, see or understand about the artwork? Incorporating information about the history, concept, or technique of the artwork can fire the customer's imagination. About This Artwork text is limited to 2000 characters.

DoDo NotTell the story behind the artwork - describe the artist's motivations and conceptual goals- Do not include your seller name, e-mail address website URL, or any company-specific information- Describe the technique or materials used to create the artwork- Do not repeat information you provided in Artwork Specifications- Only write about the artwork for sale; this is your opportunity to tell the customer what they are considering buyingDo not include promotional language such as "sale" or "free ship" (use the Manage Promotions tool in your seller account)- Keep it short, but include critical information Use correct grammar and complete sentencesDo not include speculative language related to the potential investment value of the artwork


About This Artwork

Inspired by the elegance and composition in everyday scenes, "Mercer Street Light" asks the viewer to consider a commonplace object as the starting point of a landscape and not an item to pass up. Choosing a street corner in his neighborhood, the artist brings the significance and history of landscape representation to a view he sees every day. The artist methodically visits a scene multiple times to sketch and study the landscape in order to pick the perspective that most accurately represents each subject; and while the final composition show the artist's skill and discipline; the brush marks reflect the vitality and life of the scene. The tree in the background shoots over the road and the varying red tones indicate the sunlight passing through moving leaves. The flowers planted along a garden punctuate the image and guide the viewer down the road creating a sense of dynamic, natural movement. Bad: About This Artwork About This Artwork

OIL ON HIGH QUALITY CANVAS!! Ready to hang. Will look great in your living room or anywhere in your house.

HAND PAINTED. Dimensions are 8 x 10 in. Does not come framed. Comes with Flamingo Pink Mat. ARCHIVAL. GREAT INVESTMENT - START COLLECTING NOW!!

Adult Designation

If an artwork contains an artistic nude or adult themes, select "true" for "Adult" via the flat file or the "Add a Product" tool. As a guideline, if you use an item-type-keyword or subject that falls within the section of "Erotic" or "Artistic Nude" as defined in the ITK list or the Valid Values list, the work is considered "Adult." This will help us to correctly categorize the artwork so that customers browsing for related content are able to easily find the selection. We also use this to exclude these artworks from inappropriately surfacing in some of our features, such as artwork for children or recommendations for certain items in other categories.

Any artwork titles with profanity, must be designated as Adult."

Target Audience

A target audience is made up of Amazon customers who might be interested in owning your artwork, or occasions and situations for which your artwork would be an appropriate gift. This information will be used to merchandise artworks.

Here are some target audience suggestions:

  • First Time Collectors
  • Children
  • Wedding Registry

Last revised: 08/06/13


Comprehensive and accurate artwork measurements will help ensure that the artwork displays correctly on the detail page and in unique Amazon Fine Art features such as View in a Room.

The height and width should be measured for all items. These values are not interchangeable and must be entered correctly to help ensure that the artwork appears correctly on the detail page and in the right refinements in the Browse Nodes.

NOTE: The terms "Length" and "Depth" are used interchangeably throughout different Amazon tools.

Unframed Dimensions

  • Measure the dimensions of the artwork only without framing, matting, etc. If the artwork cannot be removed from the frame or matting for condition reasons, then enter the framed or matted dimensions here instead.
  • Enter "0" for depth in these cases for prints, photographs, or works on paper.

Framed Dimensions

Measure the outer dimensions of the frame. Height, width, and depth of the frame are preferred.

Note: If you are entering these dimensions please also indicate if the item is framed in the "Is Framed" cell of the feed file or checking the "Is Framed" box in Manage Inventory in your seller account. This will help ensure that the information and images you provide are correctly rendered in the category features.

Framed Dimensions Example:


Good images are the cornerstone of the Amazon Fine Art experience.

High quality images allow customers to see the details of the artwork. Amazon Fine Art has several unique features, including View in a Room and Framing Material variations. The images must be entered correctly in order for these features to work properly and to showcase your artwork. Since the quality and presentation of images is so important to the experience, Amazon Fine Art’s image requirements are different from the image requirements for other categories.

Understand the Types of Images

Amazon Fine Art can display several images for each artwork. As a seller, it is in your interest to provide several high-resolution images for your art so customers can make informed buying decisions. Listings with missing images are suppressed from the site, and customers cannot buy them. The type of images used varies depending on whether you are listing an artwork with or without variations:

Without Variations

  • Main Image:
  • The main image should always be of the exact physical artwork only, cropped right to the edges of the artwork you are offering. If the artwork comes framed, this image must be of the framed artwork. If the artwork comes unframed, this image must be of the unframed artwork.
  • Additional Images: These images are used to show different views of the artwork or details that are not visible in the main image.
  • These can include images of the signature and the back of the artwork.
  • For framed artworks, you can include detail images of the frame.
  • You can add up to eight (8) additional images for each SKU.
  • Swatch Image: Do not include a swatch image for artworks without variations.

With Variations

  • Parent SKU Main Image: You must include an image of the artwork for parent SKUs, but this image will not appear on the detail page.
  • Child SKU Main Image:
  • As with artworks without variations, the child SKU main image should always be of the exact physical artwork only, cropped right to the edges of the artwork you are offering. If the child SKU artwork comes framed, this image must be of the framed artwork. If the child SKU artwork comes unframed, this image must be of the unframed artwork. The child SKU main image must show the artwork in the specific size or framing choice of the child SKU, so the child main image should match the Size/Frame Material variation and mounting technique.
  • Example: If you offer two sizes of the same print and the small size is mounted with a mat, but the

larger size is float mounted, then you must supply the correct corresponding image for each.

  • Example: If a child variation artwork in a Size/Frame Material variation relationship has a black wood frame, the Main image should be an image of the artwork in that black wood frame.
  • Child SKU Additional Images: These images are used to show different views of the artwork, to clarify certain details, or to show the signature or the back of the artwork. You can supply up to eight (8) alternate images for each child SKU. For framed artworks, you can include detail images of the frame.
  • Swatch Image: For Size/Frame Material variations only, a frame swatch image is required. A frame swatch is a small image of the framed corner of an artwork that is a child variation in a Size/Frame Material variation relationship. The swatch image will display in the Buy Box with the framing variations.

Note: If an artwork (with or without variations) comes framed, you must indicate that in the feed file or in Manage

Inventory in your seller account.

"View in a Room" images

  • Amazon's Fine Art category has a feature that automatically generates a View in a Room image (VIAR) to show the scale of the artwork to customers. This feature provides a consistent way of showing scale, since it uses the same room, setting, and proportion for all artworks.
  • We recommend that you not include a VIAR image of your own. However, if you include an image of the artwork in a room or in an editorial context, all elements of the artwork in the image must match the artwork you are offering. For example,if the child SKU artwork is a 30×40 in. print in a black frame with a float mount, the artwork in the image should be exactly that.

Technical Image Requirements

Required- The image should be cropped to the edge of the physical artwork. If the work is framed, it should be cropped to the edge of the frame. If the artwork has a white border, include that in the image. - If any background color shows, it must be white (hex color code #fffff - Images must be at least 700 pixels on the shortest side; Amazon strongly recommends images of a least 1,000 pixels on the longest side to enable zoom for the best customer experience - Main images must be of the front of the artwork - Artwork must be photographed on a wall or flat - All color variations must have a child SKU main image representative of that specific Frame Materia or matting technique - Main images must be of a single artwork, not stacks or images containing multiple works of art - Artwork images should depict the actual artwork to be purchased; accessories (hanging hardware remains matting, etc.) that are not part of the artwork should not be show - Alternate images can be of different angles or views, but must adhere to the same image quality and size guidelines

Prohibited- Other art, items, or accessories that are not part of the artwork listing; include only what a buyer will receive.- Do not include an image of the artwork in a frame if it does not come with a frame- Watermarks, logos or anything that obscures the image of the artworkDecorative borders, text, color blocks, and other decorations- Colored backgrounds- Main images of the back of the artwork- Images containing multiple works of art- Image place holders (such as, "temporary image" or "no image available"- Promotional text such as "sale" or "free ship" (use the Manage Promotions tool instead)- Size charts, delivery zone maps, or any graphic not related to the artwork


  • Be sure the main images for child SKUs represent each actual child artwork being listed. For instance, if you are listing different colors of the same frame variation, provide main child SKU images that represent the specific frame colors of each variation.
  • Zoom Functionality - When you submit an image of at least 1,000 pixels on the longest side, customers can zoom in on your artwork image. This provides a detailed look at your artwork and may reduce returns and negative feedback.
  • Artworks missing a main image will be suppressed from the site.

Example of Zoom Tool - Original View

Peter Bentley Meridian fire hydrant, 2011 14×11 in Unique Work Ships from and sold by Gallery 123. $385.00 $345.00 (Art and Framing) + $40.00 Shipping Add to Cart Sign in to turn on 1-Click ordering

Click on the image to zoom in

Example of Zoom Tool - Zoomed View

Click on the image to zoom out

Editioned Artwork

Editioned prints and photographs have a special set of data requirements.

Use "Edition Size," "Limited Edition Range Start," "Limited Edition Range End," and "Quantity" in the following scenarios:

Scenario A: You are offering a full edition for sale all for the same price.

  • Example: An entire edition of 100 for 𝜉 Y.
  • Enter 100 in "Edition Size." Enter 100 in "Quantity."
  • Leave "Limited Edition Range Start" and "Limited Edition Range End" blank.

Scenario B: You are offering only one print from a larger edition.

  • Example: You are offering one photograph print that is #3 of 10.
  • Enter the full size of the edition in "Limited Edition Size." In this example it will be 10 .

○ Enter the print number for sale in "Limited Edition Range Start." In this example it will be 3. Enter

nothing in "Limited Edition Range End."

  • Enter 1 in "Quantity."

∘ This must be done separately for non-consecutive numbers even if they have the same price.

Scenario C: You are offering a range of prints from a larger edition.

  • Example: You are offering prints 1-5 of an edition of 20.

∘ Enter the full size of the edition in "Limited Edition Size." In this example it will be 20.

  • Enter "1" in "Limited Edition Range Start" and "5" in "Limited Edition Range End."
  • Enter 5 in "Quantity".
  • Change the title to read, "Pyramids of Paris, Editions 1 - 5."

Scenario D: You are offering a print that comes in more than one size. See the section on Size Variations.


Artworks that are in a series (for example, Edvard Munch’s The Scream) are not considered editions and should be listed as separate items even if they have the same price.

Variation Relationships

Variation relationships (also known as parent-child relationships) allow you to offer multiple sizes of the same print or framing options on editioned work.

The relationship of parent to child is established by using one of these variation themes: Size, or Size/Frame Material.

Note: Amazon category managers may remove artworks from the site if they do not have correctly established variation themes.

When to use Variation Relationships

If an appropriate variation theme exists for your artworks, you must include your artworks in a parent-child relationship.

No Variations- This artwork is considered one-of-a-kind and is not editioned in another size and does not have framing options. Paintings, drawings, and mixed media artworks will typically not have variations.Single Variation (Size)- This artwork varies on size.Double Variation (Size/Frame Material)- This artwork varies by size and each size variation has framing options.

Components of Parent-Child Relationships

There are three components of a parent-child relationship: the parent 𝑆𝐾𝑈 ,the child 𝑆𝐾𝑈 ,and the variation theme.

Parent SKU

The parent SKU illustrates what the child SKUs have in common. Although the parent SKU must be part of your artwork data, you do not offer it for sale on Instead, the catalog uses the parent SKU to establish relationships between the variations of the artwork. The parent artwork title will be displayed in search results and should be the name of the artwork only.

Child SKUs

A child SKU is a particular artwork that varies in some way from the other child SKUs of the same parent. You can have many child artworks that are all related to one parent artwork. In Fine Art, Size and Frame Material, or a combination of both, are the only variation options.

The title format for a child or standalone artwork is the same as for a parent SKU.

Variation Theme

Variation themes set the parent-child relationship by defining how related artworks differ from each other. For example, in the Fine Art category, child artworks can differ from each other by size or whether or not the artwork has framing options.

When using the size variation, you are required to enter the size in two locations: the item dimensions and in Size Name. What you enter in the Size Name will display in the Buy Box on the detail page. The formatting in Size Name should be consistent across all of your artworks. Enter the height and width of a child variation with a lowercase "x" between the two dimensions, with one space before and after the "x" and then "in." to indicate inches. Round up to the nearest tenth of a decimal where necessary.

Correct Format: 30×40 in. or 25×36.5 in

Incorrect Formats: 24"x18" in. or 24 X 18 INCHES or 23.0625 x 18.002 in.

Sample Buy Box with Size Variation:

Size/Frame Material Variation

Use the Size/Frame Material variation if your artwork is all one size but has different framing options, or if your artwork varies by both size and frame material.

Example of single-size artworks with framing options:


  • For all artworks with frames, you must indicate that the artwork "Is Framed" so the Fine Art category features will render correctly. Also, you must include the size of the artwork in the Size Name cell. This will ensure that the Buy Box displays correctly.
  • For an unframed child variation, enter "Unframed" for the Frame Material.
  • When using Size/Frame Material variations, enter the material of the frame in the Frame Material cell. This information will surface in the Buy Box when a customer selects the frame choice they would like. The corresponding matting and glass information will populate in the Buy Box.

Example of artworks with size and framing options:

When creating variations on both Size and Frame Material, you must enter child SKUs for all of the combinations.

Example Buy Box with Size/Framing Variations

How to set up variations for an artwork

When creating variations, you must provide information in these required cells:

  • SKU
  • Parentage (identify for that SKU, either "parent" or "child")
  • Parent SKU (for child SKUs only, enter the parent SKU for that child)
  • Relationship Type (enter "variation" if the artwork is part of a variation set)
  • Frame Material
  • Size
  • Variation Theme (Size Frame Material, Size/Frame Material

Note: If you enter the Relationship Type and fail to enter the Size or Frame Material, you might receive an error when uploading your data or your artwork might not display properly on the website. Make sure you have entered all required variation data for your art. If you fail to enter any of the required data, your art could be suppressed from display on the site.

Do- Do fully describe each child artwork so that they will be included in browse and search results. ’ Do list the child SKUs under the parent SKU in your file. This will make it easier to manage the relationships.Do Not- Do not include price or quantity for parent SKUs. Do not include the size or frame material in a parent SKU title - Do not use a variation theme other than Size, Frame Material, or Size/Frame Material. - Do not establish relationships between artworks that are not size or frame materi variations of the same artwork

For help with properly setting up your artwork variation themes and parent-child relationships, see Creating Variations with a Flat File or the example tab on the Fine Art flat file.

Customers shop for art on using browse and search. Make sure they can find your artworks either way, by providing good search terms and the appropriate Item Type Keyword (for browse).

Classification - Browse

Amazon uses Item Type Keywords to classify artwork into the correct browse categories on the website. To help customers find your artwork when they browse the website, be sure to classify your artwork at the most-specific level. This means, for example, that your oil paintings should be classified as original-fine-artwork-oil-paintings and not just as paintings or art.

How to Pick and Apply Terms to an Artwork

Use the Item Type Keyword (ITK) list provided by your engagement manager to select the correct classification for your artwork.

For example, to classify a lithograph print, you would complete the following steps:

  1. Refer to the latest Amazon Fine Art Item Type Keyword List or Browse Tree Guide (BTG).
  1. Select original-fine-artwork-lithographic-prints.

Note: The Item Type Keyword must have the same exact spelling and formatting as listed. Typos will prevent your artwork from being assigned to the correct browse node.


Search terms help customers find your art. Your artwork titles and artist names are already searchable, so think about other words that describe the artwork. Think like Amazon customers when choosing your terms; use words they might enter into the search bar, including synonyms.

Guidelines for Your Search Terms

  • Each artwork can have up to five search lines of 50 characters each.
  • The words you choose are the terms our search engine uses when customers search
  • The individual words of the title, seller, and artist are automatically included as search terms and should not be repeated in your search terms.
  • Any combinations of title words and search terms are fully searchable.

Do not use search terms for other artists or inappropriate terms. Using terms that do not match the artwork being sold is against Amazon policy and may result in the removal of your selling privileges. If you are using the text-file template to add your artwork to the website, for search terms use the generic-keywords1 through generic-keywords5 cells:


For more details about how to create effective search terms, see Using Search & Browse.

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